

Melbourne CocoaHeads has been running monthly since 2007 and is Melbourne’s longest running independent Apple developer community event.

We’re run by a small group of volunteers and supported by the wider Melbourne community. Each month members volunteer their time to present on iOS, macOS and software development topics. Events are also streamed to YouTube.

CocoaHeads is open to everyone. A diverse range of people come to the meetings including hobbyist developers, designers, freelance contractors, commercial and indie developers. Whatever your background, the CocoaHeads community is a fantastic, supportive group who are all ears when it comes to discussing development for iOS and macOS.

Code of Conduct

All of Melbourne CocoaHeads’ events and associated channels are covered by a Code of Conduct. All a members or attendees of CocoaHeads events are expected to be familiar with our code of conduct.

Please read our Code of Conduct if you haven’t already.


Melbourne CocoaHeads is managed by Melbourne CocoaHeads Inc; an incorporated association in Victoria, Australia. Registration number A0109180L. Volunteers are members of the association and elect a committee annually who look after the day to day operation of the community. The association is run using the Model Rules for an incorporated association.

Finding Us